Our expertise

Recruitment and selection

Together we find the right candidate

We believe the recruitment process is about finding the right candidate for the job. Together with our extensive international network, composed of our own national offices and strong partners in Europe, we find flex workers for our clients on a daily basis. Most of our candidates come from abroad. For them, we arrange efficient transport and comfortable accommodation, aiming to keep their commute as short as possible.

In addition to deploying flex workers, we also have the expertise to recruit and select the candidate. Candidates then go directly onto our client’s payroll. The client pays a one-time fee for our knowledge and expertise.

Connection through involvement

We make sure our candidates come well-prepared and informed. To prepare them we use various channels and a range of content, such as company videos, documentation, and information.

We aim to manage and exceed their expectations, to fulfil our promise of quality and transparency and form a strong connection.

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