10 October 2023

FlexTopGroeiers award

The FlexTopGrowers award 🏆 for fastest grower 🚀 in the €150-500 million turnover category is for LPC! Just like last year!


Thank you to all our companies! Because only together can we achieve so much. GOODMORNING UitzendbureauHOBIJEurodetach bvKobus Personeel & OrganisatieEuroprofessionals1voud Werken & GezondheidDuijndam WorksJob InvestInternational Flex Job B.V. and Euro Planit Personeelsdiensten.

And we continue to grow!

Read more at https://www.flexmarkt.nl/brancheinformatie/awards-flextopgroeiers-uitgereikt-tijdens-flexevent/


Photo: COO Labour Power Company Linda van Alphen accepts the ward.